New Partnership with Variscite Delivers an ​End-to-End, Chip-to-Cloud Secure Solution

The SecEdge Solution delivers advanced chip-to-cloud security that is easy to deploy, empowering Variscite customers with a comprehensive and secure IoT/Edge solution​.
SecEdge and Variscite Partnership Security Solution Diagram

1 - MicroEdge™

Installed on Variscite SoM
MicroEdge is a powerful device middleware component which delivers seamless zero-touch security provisioning and end-to-end data security for a wide spectrum of embedded devices utilizing Variscite SoM modules.

2 - CloudEdge™

Installed in a VM by Variscite customer

CloudEdge serves as the cloud termination endpoint for MicroEdge device tunnels. Endpoint devices can be anchored to one or more peer endpoints on an external network.

Variscite customers can effortlessly deploy a CloudEdge instance in their backend (VM), insuring secure connectivity for all IoT/Edge devices to their backend application server.

3 - ControlEdge™

Accessed by Variscite customers via APIs

ControlEdge takes charge of administering all edges within the SecEdge ecosystem, including IoT devices equipped with MicroEdge and CloudEdge servers.

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